About QuaranTime

A few days ago, as we chatted by email, Dr. Bob (Williams) asked me if I had sent assignments home with the children in my class. With his usual enthusiasm, and without waiting for a response, he delved into the world of rocks and ways children can learn from them while having fun. As this was going on, I was in communication with families from our center who were struggling with the thought of being in quarantine for an indefinite period of time. Working from home is a wonderful option when social distancing is required; however, what a challenge when young children are involved as well! Recognizing that Dr. Bob was an amazing resource, I shared his email and received a warm response. What a perfect fit! Families in need of educational activities that are fun and engaging - and Dr. Bob with his wealth of knowledge, experience, and joy of teaching. So it was that QuaranTime (phrase coined by Alycia Welch!) came into existence and we are now so very eager to share.

Every Monday and Thursday one of Dr. Bob's activities will be posted for your child or children to pursue. We are starting with rocks but who knows where we will end up! Please feel free to share this resource with friends and family. Humans are social beings and, while this is a time of distancing, we can still connect through experience and ideas. We welcome feedback on this project and would love to hear how your children respond to what’s offered. Follow your child’s lead and maybe you will end up suggesting activities or variations to us!


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Reader Feedback

Dr. Bob has provided all these awesome posts about rocks and we hope they have been helpful for families/teachers in this time of quarantine...